Mukhtasar Radjabova , PhD Student, Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
This study examined the efficacy of an integrated method for teaching writing skills in foreign languages. The hypothesis suggests that an integrated method is superior to traditional methods in fostering language acquisition and development. A comprehensive literature review was performed utilizing scientific literature analysis and analytical-synthetic methods to assess the existing research on the effectiveness of integrated writing instruction. According to the findings, providing integrated writing instruction demonstrates substantial progress in writing proficiency, grammar, vocabulary acquisition, and comprehensive language development, particularly in the context of teaching Arabic as a foreign language (AFL) at the tertiary level. Moreover, integrated writing instruction encourages a more holistic and communicative approach to language learning by engaging students in authentic writing tasks and developing their skills in meaningful contexts. The potential benefits of incorporating technology and multimedia resources into integrated writing instruction are also discussed, as these tools can enhance learning experience and facilitate language development. However, the effectiveness of integrated writing instruction may vary depending on the specific context and needs of the learners, and some studies suggest that it may not be as effective for all learners or situations. Further research is needed to understand these variations and to develop more targeted instructional approaches. The findings of this review article provide strong evidence of the effectiveness of an integrated approach to teaching writing skills in foreign languages, highlighting its importance in meeting the evolving demands of language education in a globalized world. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of integrated writing instruction may vary depending on the specific context and needs of learners. Some studies have found that integrated writing instruction may not be as effective for all learners or in all situations, and further research is needed to understand these variations and develop more targeted instructional approaches.
Integrated approach, writing skills, teaching methodology
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