Alejandro Garcia , Social Sciences, University of the Republic, UruguayAbstract
The evolving landscape of leasing services necessitates a robust legal framework to accommodate new and innovative models. This paper explores the foundational legal principles required to introduce and regulate emerging types of leasing services. By analyzing current leasing laws and identifying gaps that hinder innovation, we propose a comprehensive framework designed to support the seamless integration of novel leasing services into existing legal systems. Our approach considers the diverse nature of leasing arrangements, technological advancements, and the dynamic needs of both lessors and lessees. Key components of the proposed framework include updated regulatory guidelines, enhanced consumer protection measures, and streamlined processes for approving new leasing products. This study underscores the importance of a proactive legal stance to foster innovation while ensuring compliance and protecting stakeholder interests. Ultimately, our framework aims to create a conducive environment for the growth and sustainability of emerging leasing services, driving economic development and market competitiveness.
Leasing services, Legal framework, Regulatory guidelines
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