Akharraz Mohamad , Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences - Ibn Zohr University, MoroccoAbstract
This study explored EFL students’ perceptions of merging the project-based learning strategy (PjBL) and the three-part cultural framework (products, practices, and perspectives = the 3Ps) to learn about cultures. Shortly after having been exposed to twenty-four-week lessons on their home and English-speaking cultures using the PjBL strategy and the 3Ps framework, thirty-four research participants completed questionnaires and were interviewed. Data analysis indicated that the participants held highly favorable opinions in regard to combining PjBL and the 3Ps as an effective strategy for culture learning in EFL classrooms. Students acknowledged that they gained a deeper understanding of American, British, and their home cultures, specifically in relation to the five thematic units they explored systematically. Despite challenges militating against its implementation, the amalgamation of PjBL and the 3Ps framework was reported to have offered multiple learning opportunities to autonomously bolster the research participants’ knowledge of cultural practices, products, and perspectives.
Project-based learning, cultures, cultural practices
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