Omolara Adebimpe Adekanbi , Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad JuárezAbstract
The study aims to explore the potential of using rural areas to develop strategies to end homelessness, including job creation initiatives, by examining the relationships between homelessness, urban and rural areas, and unemployment rates. Using descriptive analysis; histograms, summary tables, and regression analysis, the research finds a lower incidence of homelessness in rural areas. Regression results indicate that homelessness increases by 1294 individuals in urban areas but decreases by 402 individuals in rural areas per unit increase in the count of rural areas. Additionally, homelessness increases by 202 individuals for every unit increase in the unemployment rate. ANCOVA testing confirms the significant impact of Area Category (<0.001) on homelessness, with unemployment rates being lowest and highest in Largely Rural areas among the sampled locations.
Homelessness, Welfare Policies, Employment
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