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About The Repetitions In The Novel Of “Cholikushi”

Muazzama Foziliya , Student Faculty Of Turkic Studies, Tashkent State University Of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan


In this article, dialogue is based on the rapid circulation of the replication of the interlocutors, the replies is short, but mutually known to be treated. The term replication is “add again”, the completion of a speech of one of the dialogue, the place where the replica is semical and grammatical is linked to each other. Replicta-repetitions are considered a lexical phonetical media, which is characterized by formative circulation in dialogial speech, in which re-consortation speech is repeating words, replication and repeated. The realization of the surprise is interpreted. The Turkish writer said the balls and compound-shaped replica-repetitions, which were found in dialogue in Rashod Nuri Guntekins, and they were explained according to the content of the expression. Replicta-repeats used in this play Surprise (köpeklere), flatter (Feride), rationale (ne zannedecekler),  dangling (mutlaka geri alacağım), rude (doktorun kızı), query (Candarma), excitement (sevdim)  representation of modal content is analyzed through examples. In the conclusion, the replications of replication and repetition depends on the tone of punctuation also depends on the tone of punctuation closed.


Language science, replication, dialogue, replacively, subjective modification, reproduction, the antibody content, punctuation


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Muazzama Foziliya. (2021). About The Repetitions In The Novel Of “Cholikushi”. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(07), 1–5. Retrieved from