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Abbas Mahdi Mohammed , Babil Governorate Education Directorate Ministry Of Education, Iraq
Hussein Furat Bahar , Karbala Governorate Education Directorate Ministry Of Education, Iraq


The current research aims to identify the level of mood disorder among students with learning difficulties in special education classes and the level of mood disorder among students with learning difficulties according to the variable of the school stage (third grade, fourth grade). The research sample was selected randomly, consisting of (101) students of the third and fourth grades (special education) in government primary schools affiliated with the General Directorate of Education in Babylon governorate. To achieve the two objectives of the study, the researcher prepared a mood disorder scale and applied it to the students of the research sample. After confirming the indications of honesty and consistency, the data were collected and analyzed using (SPSS) The results of the current research indicated that there are significant differences between the arithmetic mean and the hypothetical average and in favor of the arithmetic mean of the recent research sample; which shows a clear correlation between mood disorders and learning difficulties among special education students in the third and fourth grades of primary (special education).


Research sample, the study, the researcher prepared


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Abbas Mahdi Mohammed, & Hussein Furat Bahar. (2024). MOOD DISORDER IN STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 6(02), 31–49.