Saidakbar Mukhammadaminov , Phd Student Al Beruni Institute Of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy Of Sciences, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
The article deals with the issue of jung, i.e. the code of shariah laws according to which muftis and qadis of Kokand khanate were governed. A huge amount of literature created by the khanate period Hanafi of Central Asia is still mostly at the discovery stage of the lists of their works. In the course of our research, we found lists that served as a “code” of Sharia law for muftis or qadis given the right to make decisions on religious and legal issues. In the jung we find, in addition to the main Sharia decisions, biographical information about the life of the compiler of the Mufti, which was a rarity for the life history of the qadis and muftis of the Kokand Khanty of that time.
Qadi, mufti, jungs, the code of sharia law
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