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Bianca Gabriella De Oliveira , Medical Student At The University Salvador - Unifacs, Salvador, Ba, Brazil
Givanildo Teixeira Soares , Resident Doctor Ortopedia E Traumatologia Do Hospital Geral Cleriston Andrade, Feira De Santana, Ba, Brazil
Breno Nunes Rocha , Resident Doctor Ortopedia E Traumatologia Do Hospital Geral Cleriston Andrade, Feira De Santana, Ba, Brazil
Murillo De Sousa Morais Magalhães , Resident Doctor Ortopedista E Traumatologista Pelo Hospital Geral Ernesto Simões, Salvador, Ba, Brazil
Tiago João Alves Nunes Oliveira , Doctor Ortopedista E Traumatologista Pelas Obras Sociais Irmã Dulce, Salvador, Ba, Brazil
Laís Cristina Pereira Da Silva , Medical Student At The University Salvador - Unifacs, Salvador, Ba, Brazil
Melissa Alves Aires Marques , Medical Student At The University Iguaçu - Unig, Itaperuna, Rj, Brazil


Evaluate the prevalence of congenital foot deformities in Brazil, as well as their epidemiological profile during the period of 2012 to 2022 and their impacts. This is a research conducted through secondary data analysis and cross-sectional typology in the databases of the Ministry of Health - Health Information (TABNET), made available by the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS). Descriptors in health sciences: "deformidade do pé" and "foot deformities". A total of 55,472 cases of congenital foot deformities were registered in Brazil. The Southeast region had the highest prevalence with 43.1% of the cases. 57.3% of the cases were diagnosed by the age of 10 years old. The epidemiological profile of congenital foot deformities reveals risk factors to which a certain population is exposed, such as teratogenic agents.


Equinovarus clubfoot, congenital foot deformity, orthopedics


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Bianca Gabriella De Oliveira, Givanildo Teixeira Soares, Breno Nunes Rocha, Murillo De Sousa Morais Magalhães, Tiago João Alves Nunes Oliveira, Laís Cristina Pereira Da Silva, & Melissa Alves Aires Marques. (2023). IMPACT AND PREVALENCE OF CONGENITAL FOOT DEFORMITIES IN BRAZIL, 2012 - 2022. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 5(10), 91–96.