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Laisa Efeti Nangolo Ewusi , Department of Educational Foundations and Administration, Faculty of Education of the University of Buea Cameroon
Ngemunang Agnes Ngale Lyonga (Ph.D) , Associate professor, Department of Educational Foundations and Administration, Faculty of Education, University of Buea Cameroon


The study was carried out to investigate “principals planning skills and its influence on sustainable Quality Assurance in Government Technical Colleges in the South West Region of Cameroon.  The researcher made used of mixed method with sequential Exploratory design. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire and interview guide. The sample was made up of 392 teachers and 11 principals proportionately selected from four Divisions (Fako, Meme, Ndian and Manyu). Data was analysed using inferential and descriptive statistics. The descriptive statistical tools used were frequency count, percentages and multiple responses options which aimed at calculating the summary of findings. To test the hypothesis, the Regression analysis was used. On the other, the qualitative data derived from interview were analysed using the thematic analysis approach with the aid of themes, and quotations. After verifying the hypotheses of the study, analysis showed that principals’ planning skills (β=0.275, p=0.011, <0.05) are positively and significantly associated with sustainable quality assurance. Based on the findings, it was recommended that; principals prioritize the development and enhancement of their planning skills in aspects such as attending workshops or pursuing relevant training programs to promote sustainable quality assurance.


Principals, Planning Skills, Sustainable Quality Assurance


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Laisa Efeti Nangolo Ewusi, & Ngemunang Agnes Ngale Lyonga (Ph.D). (2023). PRINCIPALS’ PLANNING SKILLS AND ITS INFLUENCE ON SUSTAINABLE QUALITY ASSURANCE IN GOVERNMENT TECHNICAL COLLEGES IN THE SOUTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 5(10), 62–74.