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Bakhadir Musametov , Phd, Senior Research Fellow Department Of The Medieval Studies Institute Of History Of The Academy Of Sciences Of Uzbekistan


Islamic commentators of Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics, particularly Avicenna and Averroes point to unify the last sentence of I.6 and the first of I.7, and thereby shed a new light of Aristotle’s kind-crossing prohibition rule. Moreover, this paper will argue that despite Aristotle tried to strictly demarcate the boundaries of the sciences; in fact, he himself could not achieve it in the explanation of the healing of circular wounds. This case made Avicenna to widen the boundaries of the canons of demonstration.


Kind-crossing prohibition, per se attributes, middle term


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Bakhadir Musametov. (2023). AVICENNA ON ILLICIT CROSSING THE BOUNDARIES BETWEEN THE SCIENCES. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 5(10), 18–30.