Victoria Zakopoulou , Department Of Speech & Language Therapy, Laboratory Of New Approaches In Communication Disorders, University Of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece Antonina-Maria Christodoulou , Department Of Speech & Language Therapy, Laboratory Of New Approaches In Communication Disorders, University Of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece Sofia Kyttari , Department Of Speech & Language Therapy, Laboratory Of New Approaches In Communication Disorders, University Of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece Vasiliki Siafaka , Department Of Speech & Language Therapy, Laboratory Of New Approaches In Communication Disorders, University Of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece Pavlos Christodoulides , Department Of Speech & Language Therapy, Laboratory Of New Approaches In Communication Disorders, University Of Ioannina, Ioannina, GreeceAbstract
BACKGROUND. Children at risk of Specific Developmental Dyslexia (SDD) experience early difficulties in the school environment, including language, cognitive and motor functions as well as reduced socio-emotional skills. These multilevel difficulties early affect both the life of the child himself and the functioning of the family system (parents, siblings).
OBJECTIVE. The present study is a systematic literature review aimed to investigate the role of internalizing and externalizing problems regarding the early occurrence of SDD at preschool age.
METHODS. 131 studies retrieved as relevant to this topic. 5 researches met the predetermined inclusion criteria, while 112 out of the 117 article of the original search were rejected.
RESULTS Based on the studies overview, the following results have emerged: (i) a variance regarding the view that internalizing and externalizing problems are prognostic factors for SDD, (ii) a lacking number of reviews referring to the relation of conduct and emotional problems with SDD in preschoolers, and (iii) an absence of data concerning the role of early treatment of internalizing and externalizing problems as an inhibitory factor in the emergence of SDD.
CONCLUSIONS. As a general conclusion, the relation between externalizing, internalizing problems and early identification of SDD is recognized, whereas the exact interaction mechanism is not clearly determined. Moreover, further research is recommended on the combined early treatment of psycho-emotional and behavioral problems along with comprehensive intervention in early reading and writing difficulties.
Internalizing problems, externalizing problems, Specific Developmental Dyslexia, preschool age, predictive factors, early intervention
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Copyright (c) 2023 Victoria Zakopoulou, Antonina-Maria Christodoulou, Sofia Kyttari, Vasiliki Siafaka, Pavlos Christodoulides

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