Surayyo Usmanova , Associate Professor, Ph.D. University of World Economy and Diplomacy, IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems. Tashkent Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for European studies & World Trade Organization chairs member, UzbekistanAbstract
According to experts, the GATS in all cases recognizes the right of member states to regulate the provision of services in accordance with their policies and their legislation. Moreover, the agreement establishing the GATS is a framework of rules aimed at ensuring that the rules of trade in services do not contain unnecessary barriers. The main idea of the GATS is to develop and adopt multilateral rules aimed at liberalizing trade in services. However, in practice, most states apply various types of restrictions to protect the interests of national service providers. The GATS establishes the rules and procedures for applying the permissible restrictions on trade in services [1.19]. Therefore, the states, which have joined the GATS undertake obligations that can be divided into two groups: general obligations assumed by states unconditionally and specific obligations relating to the particular conditions of access to the market for services of a certain state.
GATS, economic practicability test, WTO, Russian Federation
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