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Huong, Doan Vu Thi , Lecturer At Vietnam Buddhist University In Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Mai-Huong Thi Phan , Institute Of Psychology - Vietnam Academy Of Social Sciences, Vietnam


Mindfulness structure and its relationship with emotions have been found in various studies, mostly in the non-Buddhist populations. This study aimed to explore those issues in the Buddhist sample. The research sample included 163 young monk and nun students. A questionnaire was used for measuring mindfulness and experiences of positive and negative emotions. The exploratory factor analysis identified three components of mindfulness, namely awareness, peace of mind, and non-distraction. Mindfulness and its components were found to enhance positive emotions while reduce negative ones in monk and nun students. The mediation analysis indicated that mindfulness has both direct and indirect positive effects on positive emotions through negative emotions, with the direct effect being stronger. The findings of this study contribute to a better understanding of the structure of mindfulness in Buddhists, and the mechanism by which it affects positive emotions.


Mindfulness structure, Monk and Nun students, Positive and Negative emotions


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Huong, Doan Vu Thi, & Mai-Huong Thi Phan. (2023). MINDFULNESS STRUCTURE AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH EMOTIONS AMONG YOUNG MONK AND NUN STUDENTS AT VIETNAM BUDDHIST UNIVERSITY. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 5(03), 09–27.