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The Influence Of Folk Riddles On The Creation Of Literary Riddles

Rano Zaripovna Rajabova, , Independent Researcher, Department Of Uzbek Literature, Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan


Literary riddles are mainly based on creativity in poetic form, poetic analogy, comparison,
contrast, and conditional migration. Although a literary riddle is created in the structure
and style of a folk riddle, it is considered a literary riddle because it is creatively created
by a particular poet. They are distinguished by their rhythmic sequence, artistic melody,
abundance and variety of rhymes.
The article discusses the creation of literary images for children based on the subsequent
direct stylization of the riddle, one of the most ancient, popular, traditional paremic genres
of folklore, their similarities and differences with folk riddles. Literary puzzles, like folk
riddles, are very rich and diverse in subject. These include natural phenomena, the moon
and the seasons, the earth and celestial bodies, bodies of water, mountains, flora and
fauna, human organs, fruits and vegetables, melons, household items and instruments,
instruments, musical instruments, modern technology, teaching aids, types of food.
Literary puzzles, like folk puzzles, entered our lives as a result of the development of
science, technology and culture, both in the past and in the present.


folklore, riddle,


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Rano Zaripovna Rajabova,. (2020). The Influence Of Folk Riddles On The Creation Of Literary Riddles. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(07), 278–284.