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Democracy And Information Technologies: Relationship And Development In Uzbekistan

Ilyas Tulteev , DSc. Professor, Institute For Advanced Studies Ministry Of Internal Affairs Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan
Eshmukhamad Kadirov, , DSc. Professor, Tashkent State Law University, Uzbekistan


The article is devoted to the analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of such a
phenomenon as the formation of e-democracy in Uzbekistan. The characteristic of the
process of introducing information technologies into the system of interaction between the
state and citizens is given, the position is argued according to which IT technologies
determine the essence of the development of modern democracy. E-democracy is
considered in the context of the process of expanding the participation of citizens in the
democratic management of state affairs, ensuring the transparency of the activities of
state bodies, as well as their interaction with the population.
The article comprehensively reveals the legal essence of e-democracy, proposes the
author's approach to the concept of e-democracy. On the basis of the analysis of the
conceptual apparatus, the author reveals the peculiarities of the legal regulation of
relations in the field of e-democracy, and points out some problems in the development of
this phenomenon. Taking into account the assessment of the state of development of edemocracy in the country, the authors made an attempt to consider the prospects for its
further development in Uzbekistan.


e-democracy, democratic value


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It should be noted that there are a number of works devoted to some issues of egovernment activities and citizens' participation in public administration, however, since egovernment and civic participation are only part of the phenomenon of “e-democracy”, we

can state that there is a gap in the holistic study of this phenomenon.

The scientific literature also uses the terms “digital democracy”, “cyber

democracy”, “virtual democracy”, “network democracy”, etc.

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Ilyas Tulteev, & Eshmukhamad Kadirov,. (2020). Democracy And Information Technologies: Relationship And Development In Uzbekistan. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(07), 188–194.