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Political Elite Of Karakalpakstan In The Second Half Of The XX Century

B. Ibragimov , Karakalpak State University Named After Berdakh, Uzbekistan


The article highlights the activities of the political elite of Karakalpakstan in the second
half of the 20th century. The special features of the formation of the political elite, the
degree of education, the processes of promotion the ability to manage the economy are
noted. On the example of the activities of Pirjan Seitov, Kallibek Kamalov, Kakimbek
Salykov, Dauletbai Shamshetov and others, the atmosphere of the political life of the
republic is shown, their contribution to the implementation of the huge plans of the party
in relation to Karakalpakstan. The experiments of the Center on turning the region into a
zone of cotton growing and rice growing are traced.


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B. Ibragimov. (2020). Political Elite Of Karakalpakstan In The Second Half Of The XX Century. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(07), 76–83.