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The Role Of “Honesty Vaccine” In AntiCorruption Preventi

Nabiev Farhod Hamidovich , Doctor Of Historical Sciences, Professor Of The Department At Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan
Haydarov Obid Erkinovich, , Lecturer Of Samarkand Veterinary Institute, Uzbekistan


The article analyzes the issue of effective prevention in the fight against corruption. It
states that people need an “honesty vaccine” to be vaccinated during the prevention
process. It has been shown that it is important to strengthen the human concept of
happiness in the creation of the “Honesty Vaccine”. It follows that what determines a
person’s behavior is his or her perception of happiness. It has been argued that the most
important condition of human happiness is a feeling of freedom and serenity without fear.
A person who realizes this will have a chance to form an anti-corruption antivirus.


Prosperous society,, happy life, independence,


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Nabiev Farhod Hamidovich, & Haydarov Obid Erkinovich,. (2020). The Role Of “Honesty Vaccine” In AntiCorruption Preventi. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(07), 52–61.