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New Uzbekistan - A New Model Of Foreign Policy

Abira Khuseynova , Professor, Bukhara State University, Member Of The Senate Of The Oliy Majlis Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan


The article analyzes the main directions of Uzbekistan's foreign policy. The author takes into account that the acceleration of globalization processes has a huge impact on the economic, socio-political, cultural spheres of society. The main strategic directions of cooperation with the countries of Central and South Asia in the period of the new Uzbekistan have been studied. The significance of the international conference “Central and South Asia: regional interconnectedness. Challenges and Opportunities”.


Foreign policy, international, organization


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Abira Khuseynova. (2021). New Uzbekistan - A New Model Of Foreign Policy. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(07), 35–39. Retrieved from