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Heraldic Of Uzbekistan: History And Modernity

Farhod Mannopov , Dean Of The Faculty Of Applied Arts And National Institute Design Arts And Design Named After Kamoliddin Bekhzod Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The article presents the stages of the history of the formation of the development of heraldry in Uzbekistan. The importance of studying heraldry is revealed, the possibilities and advantages of this science are described. The author substantiates the science of studying heraldry in art education.


Heraldry, Flag, Coat Of Arms


Наука и жизнь, 1, 1994, стр.23-24.

Центральный Государственный архив Республики Узбекистан, ф.Р-47, оп.1, д.1, л.248

Использованы отсканированные изображения банкнот с сайта Вадима Ястребова и Андрея Каретникова

Описание герба приведено по книге А.В.Кудрина и А.Л.Цехановича "Гербы городов и областей Российской империи 1900-1917", М., 2000 Рисунок подготовлен для "Геральдикума" Ю.Калинкиным

S. Kurbanov. Art Education Uzbekistan Period Of Independence. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations (ISSN – 2689-100x) Published: October 15, 2021 | Pages: 4-12

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Farhod Mannopov. (2021). Heraldic Of Uzbekistan: History And Modernity. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(12), 51–57.