EU Freedom Of Establishment And The Theories Of Incorporation In The Context Of Free Movement Of MNEs
Yulduz Akhtamova , Lecturer At Tashkent State University Of Law, UzbekistanAbstract
The creation of a single market with no internal borders where free mobility is guaranteed is one of the main goals of the European Union. Accordingly, along with certain fundamental freedoms, Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) provides the right of establishment for nationals as well as companies in a territory of another Member State. Accordingly, a decentralized nature of multinational enterprises (MNEs) involves various cross-border operations. The aim of this paper is to explore to what extent these transnational objectives of MNEs can be achieved under the freedom of establishment principle of EU law and incorporation theories of Member States. Firstly, it analyzes different scenarios of company mobility such as transfer of registered office or real seat and transnational mergers. Secondly, it examines the freedom of companies to choose legal forms of their cross-border establishment. Finally, it evaluates the most recent judgment in Polbud case in the light of decisions made in previous cases.
The freedom of establishment principle, incorporation theories
Consolidated Version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union [2012] OJ C326/47
Case 270/83 Commission v. France, [ 1986] ECR 273
Case 81/87 Daily Mail and General Trust plc [1988] ECR 5483 para. 19
The Queen v Secretary of State for Transport [1990] ECR I-02433
Case C-212/97 Centros Ltd v. Erhvervs- ogSelskabsstyrelsen, [1999] ECRI-1459
Case C-212/97 Centros Ltd v. Erhvervs- ogSelskabsstyrelsen, [1999] ECRI-1459, Opinion of AG La Pergola para. 16
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Case 210/06 CartesioOktatóésSzolgáltatóbt. [2008] ECR I-9641, Opinion of AG Maduro paras 2-4
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