Central Asia: Involvement Of Afghanistan In Regional Development Processes
Mukhtor Nazirov , PhD In Political Sciences, International Islamic Academy Of Uzbekistan Mukhammadolim Mukhammadsidiqov , Doctor Of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, International Islamic Academy Of UzbekistanAbstract
The article observes the contemporary processes of forming a system of good neighbourly relations in Central Asia with the participation of Afghanistan and increasing the potential for regional development.
The article maintains peace in Afghanistan is not only an important factor for sustainable development in the region but also an opportunity to intensify trade and economic cooperation with European countries in Asia to ensure the integration of transit and transport opportunities.
It is noted that Uzbekistan supports the further intensification of multifaceted cooperation with Afghanistan and the prompt establishment of peace and stability in the neighbouring country, the restoration of its economic and transport infrastructure.
Afghanistan, Central and South Asian region
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