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Features Of The Formation Of Nouns Using Affixes With A Negative Connotation In Modern Chinese

Khilola Sadulla Kizi Yusupova , Department Of “Chinese Philology”, Faculty Of “Chinese Studies”, Tashkent State University Of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan


This article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the formation of nouns using affixes with a negative connotation in modern Chinese. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that this phenomenon is widespread in the word formation of the modern Chinese language and ranks second in the productivity of the formation of both new lexical units and various forms of the word. The leading approach to the study of this problem is component analysis, as well as the modeling of structures, with the help of which the corresponding noun words are formed, allowing comprehensively considering this phenomenon within the framework of the affixation of the modern Chinese language.


Affixation, suffix, morpheme


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Khilola Sadulla Kizi Yusupova. (2020). Features Of The Formation Of Nouns Using Affixes With A Negative Connotation In Modern Chinese. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(12), 261–265.