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Introduction To Social Norms That Is Implemented In The Process Of Greetings For Primary School Students

Maryambibi Djumaniyazovna Abdullaeva , Lecturer Of Department “Preschool Education”, Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Tashkent Region, Uzbekistan


In this article, the issue of introducing social norms that should be followed in the process of greeting students in the primary education system of Uzbekistan is examined. The international study of the custom of greeting for all peoples and its importance in the world community, in particular, the peculiarities of this custom in the Uzbek nation, the state of scientific and social research will be analyzed. The topic will discuss verbal units of greeting, gestures, as well as prohibited situations in the process. In the process of harmonious teaching and upbringing, special attention is paid to the habit of greeting in primary school, so the importance of correct and timely formation of this habit is emphasized.


Harmony of education and upbringing, gestures


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Maryambibi Djumaniyazovna Abdullaeva. (2020). Introduction To Social Norms That Is Implemented In The Process Of Greetings For Primary School Students. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(12), 174–179.