The Work Of Sohfi Allahyar "Sabot Ul - Ojizin" Is In Harmony With Today's Times
Khimmatova Zarina Akhtamovna , Doctoral Student Of The Department Of Philosophy And National Idea Faculty Of Law Samarkand State University, Samarkand, UzbekistanAbstract
The article analyzes the solidarity of “Sabot ul – ojizin's” work with the present period, which took an important place in the history of Uzbek enlightenment in the second half of the XVII century and the beginning of the XVIII century in Central Asia, the major representative of the Naqshbandian sect, Sofi Allahyar's "Sabot ul – ojizin". The work of sohfi Allahyar "Sabot ul - ojizin" is a work created due to the spiritual need of his time. The main purpose of the creation of the work is to educate the perfect person, to strive for the perfection of the individual. It is up to the people to start them on the right path by revealing the Enlightenment of the Islamic religion, to encourage them not to fall under the influence of the ideas of the memorization of different currents and fanatic groups. In the article, the work studied the socio – philosophical views aimed at starting the people on the right path, and in turn revealed that at that time for material benefit, he was struggling with enlightenment, occupying the minds of the common people and distributing various superstitious teachings. The article analyzes the ideas put forward in the work" Sabot ul – ojizin", the philosophical views, the solidarity of such enlightened views as leading the people towards perfection with today's times.
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