Modernization: Etymological, Scientific And Social Philosophical Interpretations
Umarova Farida Saidikramovna , Researcher, Tashkent Medical Academy, UzbekistanAbstract
In this article analyzed modernization etymological, scientific and social philosophical interpretations. As we know scientific research, by its epistemological basis, requires the identification of concepts and categories that are specific to the object of knowledge, which serve to reveal its ontological nature, and to have a clear idea about them. As science undergoes a process of deep integration, it is natural for concepts and categories to shift from one discipline to another, especially in the field of philosophy. Philosophy's tendency to be universal, comprehensive, and prone to extensive approaches give rise to concepts and categories related to specific sciences (physics, medicine, biology, mathematics, etc.). This sometimes leads not only to general notions of concepts and categories, but also to different notions from the original etymological interpretation. As a result, a single word is interpreted differently, resulting in assumptions that do not correspond to the ontological features of the object of study. In order for such “word games” not to occur, in order to have a clear idea of the object of research, scientific research begins with defining the concepts and categories that express the object and purpose of research, and defining their essence and functional functions. Such a fundamental concept, category, is "modernization" for our scientific research.
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