The Gender Of The Noun Of The Russian Language In Foreign Groups
Mukhitdinova Feruza Kutbiddinovna , Teacher Of The Interfacult Department Of The Russian Language Of The Nuuz Named After M. Ulugbek, UzbekistanAbstract
At the same time, most inanimate nouns are masculine or feminine. The grammatical gender of these nouns is conditional and inexplicable as regards to their meanings. The division of inanimate nouns into masculine and feminine is determined only by their formal endings and syntactical factors.
The gender of most Russian nouns can be established according to the last letter of their citation form (usually nominative singular). There are few basic rules that allow identifying the gender for the majority of Russian nouns. These rules are sufficient for those who just begin learning Russian, but it is necessary to keep in mind that they do not work for all Russian nouns and, sooner or later, a large number of deviations from these rules become evident.
Gender category, masculine, feminine and nominative, suffix
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