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Preservation Of The Originality Of The Work Of Art In Translation

Komila Rishatovna Babayeva , Senior Teacher At The Department Of English, Tsue, Uzbekistan
Gulnoza Utkurovna Istamova , Senior Teacher At The Department Of English, Tsue, Uzbekistan


The phraseological structure of the language has a wide meaning and stylistic nuances. Phraseology is often seen as a branch of lexicology. Because phraseology is the equivalent of words in a language, and lexicology is the study of the words that make up the vocabulary of a language and their equivalents. Sometimes phraseology is incorporated into lexicon or stylistics. With phraseology, words should not be viewed as completely equivalent.


Form, meaning


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Komila Rishatovna Babayeva, & Gulnoza Utkurovna Istamova. (2020). Preservation Of The Originality Of The Work Of Art In Translation . The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(12), 51–53.