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Attitudes And Social Protection Of People With Disabilities During The Fight Against Fascism

Jummagul Nomazovna Abdurakhmanova , Department of History, PhD., Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region, Uzbekistan


This article provides information about the post-disability lifestyle of our compatriots, soldiers and officers who returned to Uzbekistan with disabilities, who were wounded at the front and went to fight against fascism. The article also covers the state of the social protection system during the Second World War and the issues of social protection for the disabled. The article also highlights the humane, caring and tolerant qualities of the people of Uzbekistan towards people with disabilities.


World War II, fascism


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Jummagul Nomazovna Abdurakhmanova. (2020). Attitudes And Social Protection Of People With Disabilities During The Fight Against Fascism . The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(12), 37–42.