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The Poetics Of Munojots In The Epic Of “Saddi Iskandariy”

Zilola Kuchkarovna Eshanova , PhD, Acting Associate Professor, Andijan State University, Uzbekistan


Munojats is a literary phenomenon in Uzbek literature, which consists of an introduction to devons and poetic balls, a thematic classification of lyrical works, and introductory chapters of large-scale epic poems. In the introductory chapters of Alisher Navoi's “Khamsa” epics, prayers are accompanied by praise and glorification, and are a means of expressing the author's philosophical-mystical, divine-mystical views, personal experiences: confessions of the heart to the Creator, repentance for sins.

The article states that the content of the munojats in the preface of “Saddi Iskandariy”, the final epic of Alisher Navoi's “Khamsa”, is formed in harmony with the content of the work; they cover issues such as the author's mystical-philosophical views and the artistic expression of his ideological purpose. The article also shows the importance of the art of obedience in the expression of prayers in the epic, as well as the poet's artistic skill in creating prayers on the basis of analysis and interpretation.



Munojot (secret conversation, plea), epic, etiquette classification, praise, supplication, nat (glorification), introductory chapters, composition of the work, mystical views, abror status, tax, soliki majzub (Majnun), majzubi solik (Farhod)


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Eshanova, Z. K. . (2021). The Poetics Of Munojots In The Epic Of “Saddi Iskandariy”. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(05), 490–495.