The Prevention Of Persons With A Test Period
Ochilov Samariddin Kamoliddinovich , The Head Of The Department Criminal Law Disciplines Of The Tashkent State University Of Law, UzbekistanAbstract
This scientific article is intended to shed light on the theoretical aspects of the prevention of offenses of persons on probation, to identify existing problems in this area and to develop scientific and theoretical proposals for their solution. The legal foundations and scientific and theoretical description of probation, social significance, the circle of persons subject to probation, prevention of offenses of those sentenced to imprisonment, mitigation of punishment, parole. The indicators of criminal cases considered by the country's criminal courts, the number and types of crimes committed by convicts, their causes, statistics of persons released from places of detention and replaced by milder sentences have been studied. In order to increase the effectiveness of the prevention of offenses by persons on probation, the need to study the social status of a person undergoing probation, identify and eliminate his mental and physical problems is emphasized.
Probation, prevention, person, convict, sentence, court, behavior, correction, mental, physical, social, punishment, probationary period
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