Renaissance And Renaissance Philosophical Texts Through The Prism Of Historical Approach
Denis Bakhtiyorovich Sadullaev , English Chair Bukhara State Medical Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
The article is devoted to some aspects of the functional specificity of lexical borrowings - neologisms - that have found their vivid reflection in the works and philosophical thought of the European era and, in particular, the English Renaissance, represented by its brightest representatives such as Thomas More, Francis Bacon, John Donne, Shakespeare and others. The authors consider this problem in a synchronous-diachronous cut and in the light of the new socio-political situations of the century of the English Renaissance and in the light of the evolutionary process of the formation of the English nation and the norms of the literary English language, which continued intensively in the 11th century, which led to the further growth and spread of both oral, and written national literary language.
Revival, synchronous-diachronic realms, abstract, neologism, historical approach
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