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Improvement Of Organizational And Economic Mechanisms Of Organization Of Vine Clusters

Bahodir Ibragimovich Isroilov , Doctor Of Economical Sciences, Professor, Department Of “Financial Analysis And Auditing”, Tashkent State University Of Economics, Uzbekistan
Ilhom Sayitkulovich Ochilov , Candidate Of Economical Sciences, Doctoral Candidate, Tashkent State University Of Economics, Uzbekistan


The article analyzes the role and importance of cluster structures in the development of the agricultural sector and foreign experience in organizing their activities. The authors also assessed the organizational mechanisms of agro-clusters and their role in improving the efficiency of cluster performance. As a result of the research, recommendations have been developed to improve the organizational and economic mechanisms of agro-clusters in Uzbekistan.


Cluster, agro-cluster, efficiency


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Bahodir Ibragimovich Isroilov, & Ilhom Sayitkulovich Ochilov. (2021). Improvement Of Organizational And Economic Mechanisms Of Organization Of Vine Clusters. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(08), 27–33.