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Issues Of Artistic Concept In Contemporary Uzbek Poetry

Berdiyeva Zulayxo , Master's Degree Student, Karshi State University, Karshi, Uzbekistan


This scientific article focuses on the importance of the concept of art in modern Uzbek poetry. This article is about the works of our talented poets Zebo Mirzo and Halima Ahmedova, who are currently working in the field of our literature. The scientific significance of the article is that it focuses on the main ideas and goals of contemporary poetry.


Concept, Artistic Concept, Zebo Mirzo,


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Halima Ahmedova. (2016). Yashil. Toshkent. O‘zbekiston.

Zebo Mirzo. (2021). Yangi she’rlar. Tafakkur.

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How to Cite

Berdiyeva Zulayxo. (2021). Issues Of Artistic Concept In Contemporary Uzbek Poetry. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(08), 11–14.