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The Beginning Of A New Era In The Study Of The History Of World War Ii In Uzbekistan

Ulugbek Saliev , Candidate Of Historical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Of The Fergana Medical Institute Of Public Health, Uzbekistan


In the Second World War, the multinational people of Uzbekistan showed great courage and perseverance on the battlefields and behind the front and made a worthy contribution to the victory over fascism. One of the urgent tasks today is to prepare a comprehensive scientific-historical book or collection of documents, reflecting the hard and difficult life of the Uzbek people on the front and behind the front during this bloody war, that particularly contributed to the victory over fascism. Such resources will be of paramount importance to convey to future generations the great work done by our people during the war, its strong will and heroism, the truth of that time, to educate them in the spirit of patriotism and courage.


World War, mobilization, defense of the Motherland, courage and fortitude, volunteer fighters, infantry battalions, combat mission, Uzbek archers, artillery, ambush, the Battle of Stalingrad


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Ферганская правда August 15, 1991 №154.

Fergana Truth, April 28, 2001.

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Saliev, U. . (2021). The Beginning Of A New Era In The Study Of The History Of World War Ii In Uzbekistan. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(05), 286–291.