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Muminov Kadir Pulatovich , MD, Associate Professor, The Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation, Uzbekistan


Background: One of the reasons for the high prevalence and mortality in COPD is considered to be untimely unrecognized and unresolved causes of the development of COPD. At the same time, early detection of COPD and treatment started as early as possible slow down the progression of the disease.

Material and methods: 80 patients with COPD were under observation, among whom there were 51 (63.7%) men and 29 (36.3%) women. The average age of the patients was 47±1.5 years. A general blood test was performed according to standard methods.  Grade 1 COPD severity was diagnosed in 25 patients, grade II – in 28 and grade III – in 27 patients.

Results: Serum cytokines and chemokines can disrupt the main stages of hematopoiesis; possible mechanisms of anemia in COPD are shortening of erythrocyte apoptosis, impaired mobilization and utilization of iron, and impaired bone marrow response to erythropoietin.When studying ferrokinetics indicators in COPD patients with various degrees of severity, it was noted that as the patients’ condition worsens, the hematological status changes with a shift towards anemia.

Conclusion: According to its genesis, anemia in patients with COPD belongs to the so-called, anemia of chronic diseases and can be considered a definite risk factor for the progression of COPD.


COPD, anemia, ferrokinetic


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Muminov Kadir Pulatovich. (2024). ANEMIA AND FERROKINETIC PARAMETERS IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 6(09), 37–40.