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Inyang G. John , Ph.D. Student, City University, Cambodia
Gloria Chigbu , Lecturer, ESFAM-BENIN University, Benin Republic
O.M.C Osazuwa , Ph.D. Student, City University, Cambodia
Maryjane Y. Oghogho , Ph.D. Student, City University, Cambodia


Nigeria is rich in biodiversity, boasting of diverse ecosystems and numerous species. The country's ecosystems range from semi-arid savannas to montane forests, floodplains, rainforests, freshwater swamps, and coastal vegetation. However, Nigeria's rich biodiversity, essential for agriculture and food security, is under severe threat, impacting adversely on food security. This study investigates the impact of oil pollution, deforestation, and desert encroachment on biodiversity loss within Nigeria's agricultural ecosystems. This study employed a comprehensive review of existing literature on the assessment of biodiversity loss in Nigeria's agricultural ecosystems due to pollution from oil spill, deforestation and desert encroachment. By analyzing the correlation between these environmental stressors and food security challenges, this study highlight the critical need for integrated conservation and agricultural strategies. The findings indicate that the loss of biodiversity has far-reaching implications, including malnutrition, food price volatility, and the erosion of rural livelihoods. The study emphasizes the pressing necessity of tackling these challenges in order to guarantee sustainable food security and ecological equilibrium in Nigeria. To address these interconnected issues, the study recommends a holistic approach that prioritizes sustainable practices, robust policies, and community engagement. By safeguarding Nigeria's biodiversity, we can ensure a sustainable food future for generations to come.


Biodiversity, food security, agricultural ecosystems


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Inyang G. John, Gloria Chigbu, O.M.C Osazuwa, & Maryjane Y. Oghogho. (2024). LOSS OF BIODIVERSITY AND FOOD SECURITY IN NIGERIA. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 6(09), 20–36.