Yunusov Oybek Turayevich , Assistant of the General Surgery Department, Samarkand State Medical University, Uzbekistan Yunusova Guzal Faizullayevna , Assistant of the General Surgery Department, Samarkand State Medical University, Uzbekistan Saidullaev Zayniddin Yakhshiboevich , PhD, Associate Professor of General Surgery Department, Samarkand State Medical University, Uzbekistan Djurayev Alisher Anorboyevich , Head of surgical department of Bulungur district medical association, UzbekistanAbstract
In order to increase the volume of surgery in burn units, it is necessary to improve the process of preparing burn patients for surgery. Necrectomy and autodermoplasty are observed at blood loss of 0.5-1.5 cm2/mL of wound surface. At this time, the volume of adequate infusion and hemotransfusion at all stages of burn disease is determined empirically. The existing methods of necrectomy in burns are considered to be a preparatory stage for necrectomy and autodermoplasty, the time of their performance is observed in case of such complications as bleeding, hemostasis, microcirculation disturbance, removal of the scar from the skin surface for autograft preparation leads to increased bleeding. We have developed a technique of application of polycomposite polymer based on cellulose derivatives in thermal lesions.
Deep burns, DIC syndrome, early necrotomy
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Copyright (c) 2024 Yunusov Oybek Turayevich, Yunusova Guzal Faizullayevna, Saidullaev Zayniddin Yakhshiboevich, Djurayev Alisher Anorboyevich
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