Javanese Ginting , Faculty of Health Sciences Kadiri University, IndonesiaAbstract
This study investigates the impact of tomato juice and strawberry juice consumption on hemoglobin levels in third trimester pregnant women. Anemia during pregnancy is a significant health concern globally, and dietary interventions, including fruit juices rich in vitamins and minerals, are often recommended to address low hemoglobin levels. However, the comparative efficacy of different fruit juices on hemoglobin levels remains unclear. In this comparative study, pregnant women in their third trimester are randomly assigned to consume either tomato juice or strawberry juice daily for a specified duration. Hemoglobin levels are assessed before and after the intervention period to evaluate the effects of juice consumption on maternal hemoglobin status. Statistical analyses are conducted to compare the efficacy of tomato juice versus strawberry juice in improving hemoglobin levels among pregnant women.
Tomato juice, Strawberry juice, Hemoglobin levels
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