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Abdulaziz Fayazov , Professor Of The Department Of Emergency Medicine Of The Center For The Development Of Professional Qualifications Of Medical Workers; Doctor Of Medical Sciences, Head Of The Scientific And Clinical Department Of Combustiology Of The Republican Research Centre Of Emergence Medicine; 700107, Tashkent, St. Kichik Khalqa Yuli, Uzbekistan
Utkur Kamilov , Candidate Of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher Of The Scientific And Clinical Department Of Combustiology Of The Republican Research Centre Of Emergence Medicine; 700107, Tashkent, St. Kichik Khalqa Yuli, 2, Uzbekistan
Vladlena Ubaidullaeva , Pathologist, Candidate Of Medical Sciences Of The Republican Scientific Center Of Emergency Medicine Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan. 700107, Tashkent, St. Kichik Khalqa Yuli, 2, Uzbekistan
Mirolim Mirxaydarov , Doctor Of The Scientific And Clinical Department Of Combustiology Of The Republican Research Centre Of Emergence Medicine; 700107, Tashkent, St. Kichik Khalqa Yuli, 2, Uzbekistan


Currently, in medicine the number of patients with burn injuries. This necessitates further improvement of local treatment methods for such patients. Although several types of wound dressings have been developed, no gold standard has yet been developed. Therefore, the development of easy-to-use, bactericidal effective and inexpensive wound coverings is relevant, taking into account the requirements for coatings.


Primary chronic headache, Chronic migraine, Chronic tension type headache


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Abdulaziz Fayazov, Utkur Kamilov, Vladlena Ubaidullaeva, & Mirolim Mirxaydarov. (2023). THE ROLE OF WOUND COVERINGS IN THE MAXILLARY TREATMENT OF BURN LESIONS (LITERATURE REVIEW). The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 5(12), 33–39.