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Muminov Sh.K. , Md, Associate Professor Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Nigmonov B.B. , Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Aim of the work: assessment of laboratory characteristics in patients with type 2 diabetes, depending on the risk of developing CI-AKI.

Materials and methods: The study included 56 patients with type 2 diabetes, the average age of the patients was 58 years, the CG consisted of 20 healthy volunteers. In most patients, the reason for which the endovascular radiopaque procedure (EVRCP) was performed was associated with atherosclerotic lesions: coronary artery disease, chronic lower limb ischemia (CLLI), atherosclerosis of the brachiocephalic arteries (BCA). EVRCP was performed on the vessels of the coronary basin, BCA, abdominal aorta and its branches, lower extremities. A retrospective analysis included a comparative analysis of two groups of patients with type 2 diabetes who underwent EVRCP: 29 patients who developed CI-AKI (CI-AKI+ group) and 27 patients in whom the post-procedure period was uneventful.

Results: The CI-AKI+ and CI-AKI- groups did not differ in nosological distribution: in both groups, half of the patients with EVRCP were performed due to the presence of coronary pathology (51.72% and 48.15%, respectively), the rest in patients it was comparable for CCI and CVD (27.59% and 20.69% in the CI-AKI+ group and 25.93% each in the CI-AKI- group).

Conclusion: Thus, based on the results of this study, it was possible to identify risk factors for the development of CI-AKI in patients with DM in the post-procedure period and to develop a scale that allows identifying DM patients predisposed to the development of CI-AKI as a hospital complication of endovascular interventional procedures, which is especially often observed in patients with DM.



Diabetes mellitus, contrast induced acute kidney injury, chronic


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Muminov Sh.K., & Nigmonov B.B. (2023). LABORATORY CHARACTERISTICS OF PATIENTS WITH DIABETES MELLITUS DEPENDING ON THE RISK OF CONTRAST INDUCED AKI. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 5(01), 32–36.