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Sattorov Alisher Raimovich , National Rehabilitation and Prosthetics Centre for Persons with Disabilities of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Rakhmonov Khurshid Mamadievich , National Rehabilitation and Prosthetics Centre for Persons with Disabilities of the Republic of Uzbekistan


The results of treatment using puncture vertebroplasty in 81 patients with various diseases of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae are presented. The purpose of this study is to study the effectiveness of vertebroplasty in osteoporotic fractures of the thoracolumbar spine. Treatment of traumatic spinal injury is an urgent problem of modern neurosurgery. The work is devoted to the surgical treatment of uncomplicated compression fractures using the method of puncture vertebroplasty. The results of treatment of 81 victims were analyzed. The high efficiency and safety of puncture vertebroplasty were noted.


Compression fractures of vertebral bodies, diagnostics, puncture vertebroplasty


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Sattorov Alisher Raimovich, & Rakhmonov Khurshid Mamadievich. (2022). PUNCTION VERTEBROPLASTY WITH BONE CEMENT FOR OSTEOPORTIC FRACTURES OF THE VERTEBRAS. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 4(03), 74–79.