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Makhmudjonova Sitorabonu Rustamovna , A student in group 309 of the Faculty of Medical Pedagogy Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Shavkat Eryigitovich Islamov , Associate Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Department of Forensic Medicine and Pathological Anatomy Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Makhmatmuradova Nargiza Negmatullaevna , Assistant to the Department of Internal Medicine No. 4. Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


In the modern world there is a constant increase in the number of fires in residential and industrial premises, transport, which leads to injuries and often fatalities [4,15]. According to data of the summary reports on activity of territorial bureaus of forensic-medical examination of the Russian Federation at fires from thermal traumas and carbon monoxide poisoning 15 918 persons were lost in 2000 and 16 416 - in 2008. It makes about 3 % from all forensic medical autopsies [5]. A similar situation is typical for the Republic of Tajikistan [11].

 By now, the causes, pathogenesis, pathomorphosis [6, 12], clinical and morphological features [1, 10], epidemiology of thermal injuries [5], combined effects of thermal and carbon monoxide [7, 9], injuries caused by mechanical effects of falling parts of a burning building and various objects [14] have been studied in sufficient detail.


Burn injuries, mechanical impact, thermal injuries


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Makhmudjonova Sitorabonu Rustamovna, Shavkat Eryigitovich Islamov, & Makhmatmuradova Nargiza Negmatullaevna. (2022). THE FORENSIC SIGNIFICANCE OF THE BURN INJURY CRITERIA. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 4(03), 65–69.