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Gulbahor Aslamovna Kurbonova , Assistant Professor Of Pathophysiology Department Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Zebiniso Khidirovna Lapasova , Senior Lecturer At The Department Of Pathophysiology Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


Currently, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are leading not only in prevalence but also in mortality worldwide. It is known that old age is characterized by polymorbidity, and all concomitant conditions change the clinical picture, course and prognosis of CVDs. One of the exacerbating factors of CVD is the anaemic syndrome, particularly in the case of iron deficiency. Anaemia is also an important public health problem, as it affects quality of life, mortality and is a frequent reason for seeking medical attention. A review of the literature has demonstrated that anaemia is an independent predictor of cardiovascular disease and adverse outcomes. Because the incidence of anaemia increases with age, this makes it a frequent co-morbidity of cardiovascular events. A possible mechanism seems to be an increase in sympathetic activity and cardiac output due to prolonged hypoxia-induced vasodilation, leading to left ventricular hypertrophy and increased heart size and thus increased oxygen consumption. Also myocardial tolerance to low haemoglobin levels is reduced in patients with CHD compared to healthy controls. Patients should therefore be given a full examination, including obligatory determination and monitoring of haemoglobin levels. Primary measures should be directed at the etiological factor causing anaemia of varying severity. Oral and intravenous iron, as well as erythropoietin, are used as the main therapy. Despite the development of effective diagnostic and treatment regimens and a wide range of effective medicines, problems in this area are still among the most pressing.


Polymorbidity, cardiovascular, disease, iron


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Gulbahor Aslamovna Kurbonova, & Zebiniso Khidirovna Lapasova. (2022). CURRENT VIEWS ON IRON DEFICIENCY ANAEMIA IN PATIENTS WITH CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 4(03), 59–64.