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Kamalova Malika Ilhomovna , Assistant at the Department of Human Anatomy Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Ziyadulla Erkinovich Khidirov , Assistant at the Department of Human Anatomy Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Abduraimov Zafarjon Abduraimovich , Assistant at the Department of Human Anatomy Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


In this article we will review the anatomy and histology of the nasal cavity - its sections, structure and vascular and nerve supply. For experimental rhinology, the choice of a laboratory animal is very important. The scattered information on the morphology of the nose and paranasal sinuses forces the researcher to study the literature from various branches of biology (zoology, embryology, veterinary medicine, etc.) for a long time. Having analysed works describing the anatomy and morphology of the nose and paranasal sinuses in various laboratory animals.


Nose, nasal, cavity


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Kamalova Malika Ilhomovna, Ziyadulla Erkinovich Khidirov, & Abduraimov Zafarjon Abduraimovich. (2022). ANATOMICAL FEATURES OF THE NOSE AND NASAL CAVITY. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 4(03), 46–50.