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Zakirova N.I. , Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №1 Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Kamalova D.D. , Assistant of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №1 Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Khasanova D.A. , Assistant of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №1 Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Norhujaeva Ch. , 5th year medical faculty of Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


The course of pregnancy, thyroid status, and hormonal background were studied in 96 women with autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT). It was established that pregnant women have a number of maternal and fetal complications (54.8%); AIT has an adverse effect on the course of pregnancy; a high risk of miscarriage and termination of pregnancy is observed; and the thyroid hormone level is reduced and the TSH level is increased in comparison with that in healthy pregnant women. To prevent gestational complications and prematurity in women with AIT, routine blood TSH testing from early gestation is recommended.


Pregnancy, thyroid pathology, autoimmune thyroiditis, thyroid status in pregnant women with AIT


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Zakirova N.I., Kamalova D.D., Khasanova D.A., & Norhujaeva Ch. (2022). CURRENT APPROACH TO PREGNANT WOMEN WITH THYROID ABNORMALITIES. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 4(03), 42–45.