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Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Clinical Current, Diagnostics, Principles Of Treatment And Prevention Of Acute Myocardial Infarction In The Elderly And Old Population (Review)

Rakhmatova Dilbar Baxriddinovna , Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan


In view of the special medico-social importance of cardiovascular diseases, their prevention is one of the most important tasks facing medical science and the health care system. Ischemic heart disease and its most serious complication, acute myocardial infarction, is the main and most dangerous disease of the cardiovascular system. Epidemiological studies and screening measures for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases contain scientific data that can not only reduce the incidence, but, undoubtedly, prolong the life of the elderly and senile population.


Cardiovascular diseases,, ischemic heart disease


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Rakhmatova Dilbar Baxriddinovna. (2020). Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Clinical Current, Diagnostics, Principles Of Treatment And Prevention Of Acute Myocardial Infarction In The Elderly And Old Population (Review). The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 2(11), 106–114.