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Correction Of Cognitive Disorder In Patients With HIV - Associated Encephalopathy

Zokirov M.M., , Ferghana Branch Of Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan
Madjidova Y.N. , Taskent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


HIV infection is one of the most pressing medical and social problems in the whole world.
This article discusses one of the varieties of the complication of HIV infection such as HIV
associated encephalopathy. Clinical features and diagnostic criteria for the disease are
considered. Patients were examined using the Montreal cognitive function assessment
scale and symptomatic treatment with the nootropic drug choline alfoscerat


HIV infection, human immunodeficiency virus


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Zokirov M.M., & Madjidova Y.N. (2020). Correction Of Cognitive Disorder In Patients With HIV - Associated Encephalopathy. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 2(07), 117–122.