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Immuno-Oriented Therapy In The Comprehensive Treatment Of Acute Pancreatitis

Safarov S.S. , Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara branch of the Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medicine, Uzbekistan


The immuno-oriented effects of polyoxidonium and immunoglobulin in the complex
treatment of patients with acute pancreatitis were studied. Patients with acute pancreatitis
from the first days of the disease revealed violations of the immune status in the form of
the development of immunodeficiency. Complex therapy, including immunomodulin or
polyoxidonium, allowed approximation of the level of cytokines to those of healthy donors.
Studies allow us to recommend the inclusion of polyoxidonium and immunomodulin in the
basic, comprehensive conservative therapy of patients with acute pancreatitis for the
purpose of immunocorrective therapy.


acute pancreatitis, immune response.


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Safarov S.S. (2020). Immuno-Oriented Therapy In The Comprehensive Treatment Of Acute Pancreatitis. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 2(07), 105–111.