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Biological Action Of Direct Current

Muhiddin Halimovich Jalilov , Samarkand Medical Institute, Assistant, Ph.D., Uzbekistan
Khudaikulova Shoira Narzullaevna, , Samarkand Medical Institute, Senior Lecturer, Uzbekistan
Akhrorov Maruf Nasimovich , markand Medical Institute, Assistant, Uzbekistan


This work is devoted to the study of the effect of direct current on biological tissues, cells
and on the weight of the human body.The dielectric constant of certain substances and
the resistivity of organs is given. The course of physical and chemical changes under the
influence of direct current in cells, tissues and the entire body is indicated.


Biological tissue,, electric field


М Module 2. Lessons 2. Topic 20 “The effect of the electromagnetic

field on biological objects”.

Khudoikulova Sh.N., Abduvohidov A.A. "Biological action of direct current". Biology wa

tibbiyot muammolari. 74 international scientific and practical online conference.

Samarkand 2020y

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Muhiddin Halimovich Jalilov, Khudaikulova Shoira Narzullaevna, & Akhrorov Maruf Nasimovich. (2020). Biological Action Of Direct Current. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 2(07), 48–51.