The State Of The Prostacycline-Thromboxane System In Patients With Ischemic Heart Disease
Khattahanova Rabiya Yuldashevna, , Candidate Of Medical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Of The Department Of Internal Diseases No.1, Fergana Branch Of The Tashkent Medical Academy, Fergana City, The Republic Of UzbekistanAbstract
The aim of the work was to study the state of the prostacyclin-thromboxane system (PTS)
and platelet functions in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). 86 patients with CHD
were examined. The state of PTS was examined by the content of prostacyclin and
thromboxane in the blood, determined by radioimmunological method. Platelet hemostasis
was studied by the aggregation properties of platelets and the platelet release reaction for
β-thromboglobulin determined by radio immunological method. In patients with IHD,
pronounced violations of the prostacyclin-thromboxane balance in the direction of the
predominance of thromboxane and an increase in the functional activity of platelets,
expressed in increased aggregation and platelet release reaction. In patients with IHD
with post infarction cardio sclerosis, the level of prostacyclin in the blood significantly
exceeds the level in patients without myocardial infarction. The content of prostacyclin and
thromboxane in the blood does not differ in patients with stable angina of functional
classes III and IY.
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